Local Contacts
Contact with Schools
In addition, we work closely with the Leisure Centre and in particular with the person in charge of swim lessons. Also, we leave leaflets at the reception giving details on Swimming Club membership.
Contact the Leisure Centre
Each year, we help the Council run their Apple Blossom Swimming Gala which involves all local primary schools. This also helps us to gain contact with the sports teachers in each school, which is an excellent way to gain new members.
Council & Local Authority Contacts
The Head Coach is the Vice-Chair of Armagh Sports Forum Forum which exists for the development of sports within the Armagh District. In particular, they provide:
- Club support
- Coach support
- Grant Aid / Silver Card Scheme
- Annual Sports Awards
- Equality of Opportunity
In addition, the Head Coach is in contact with the person in charge of swim lessons at the Leisure Centre, other staff at the Centre, plus the local Sports Development officer in Armagh. Furthermore, I am in contact with Swim Ulster’s Sports Development Officer. Before the Leisure Centre re-opening, we had several meetings with those in charge of re-developing the swimming pool to advise on various issues.