Code of Conduct for Club Committees

Committees should familiarise themselves with the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport 9this may be down-loaded from the Swim Ireland web-site) and with the Swim Ireland Guidelines and ensure that:

• there is a Club constitution in place and a child protection policy is included in the club constitution

• the necessary procedures are in place in accordance with the Code of Ethics, Swim Ireland Guidelines and Rules of Swim Ireland

• a Club designated person is appointed

• at least one Club children’s officer is appointed and preferably two

• a club complaints committee is formed and a complaints procedure clearly set out

• a complaints book containing problem-action-outcome is kept. It is essential that this book is stored in a confidential manner

• copies of all documentation with respect to any appointments are kept

• the Club has a safety statement

• rules of the Club are set up and implemented

• a discipline committee is appointed when required

• correct procedures are followed in the appointment of teachers/coaches and leaders

• a recording of incidents/injuries is maintained including incident-action-outcome

• there is an adequate adult to child ratio. This will depend on the nature of the activity, the age of the participants and any special needs of the group.

• an adult, other than the Coach, should be on the bank at all sessions for the protection of both the children and the Coach

• parents are informed if injury to their child occurs

• when other problems arise parents are informed

• guidelines are in place for day/overnight trips

• times for start and end of training sessions, or competitions, should be clearly stated.

• guidelines should be in place for drop off and collection of children.

• a record is kept of attendance at training

• parents are informed in advance and have their consent sought in relation to matters regarding away trips, camps or specially organised activities

• minutes of club committee meetings are kept (including Treasurer’s reports)

• changes in membership are monitored and any unusual drop-out, absenteeism or Club transfers are followed up.

• rumours are not ignored and are acted on.

• Coaches should liaise with and report on a regular basis to the Committee.