ACS – Person on Duty

It is a requirement of Swim Ireland that there is a Person on Duty for all sessions. This is in addition to the coaching staff and is for the safety of both the children and the coaches and in case of emergency.

Please be aware that if there is no Person on Duty, the session cannot go ahead.

All swimmers are required to have a parent/guardian available for duty rota. This should not usually occur more than one session per month. The ACSC Person on Duty rota is sent out monthly in advance and a copy is posted on the club notice board in OLC.

 It is the responsibility of each parent/guardian to:

  • check the rota and make a note of their duty
  • arrange a swap/find cover if unable to attend their duty

The role of the Person on Duty:

  • arrive early for the session (10-15 mins)
  • for a first session duty – on arrival at OLC, collect the ACSC file from Reception
  • position yourself in full view of the pool (usually on the ramp)
  • in the register book, find the correct page for that session and ensure the date, Person on Duty name and coach name(s) are entered on the form
  • complete the register to ensure an accurate attendance record for that session
  • make a note of any late arrivals/early leavers
  • be aware of children leaving and returning to the pool, e.g. a child should return to the pool promptly after visiting the toilet – inform a coach if not
  • be vigilant; take note of any issues that arise – if urgent, inform the coach immediately
  • in cases of illness, emergency or unexpected session cancellation, help the coach supervise children and/or assist with contacting parents (contact details in the file)
  • if a child needs to leave early due to illness or incident, ensure the child waits with the Person on Duty until collected by their parent
  • complete an incident report form for ACSC if and when required
  • ensure all children are collected at the end of the session, including early finishes
  • if it is the last session, return the ACSC file to the reception

It would be helpful if all parents/guardians can ensure their swimmers know to register their attendance at the start of each session and inform the Person on Duty if they are leaving the session for any reason.

Thank you 😊